For all of you who loved erin scooting, we thought you would get a kick out of her older cousin mimicking her.
I know I am hopelessly behind on posting photos, and I have some great ones of the first birthday cake, but I have a family wedding tomorrow, so it will be a little while longer.
On top of that, my camera went to the doctor for diagnosis in Illinois. We are hoping that it is nothing too serious and that a whopping $300 can't fix. But did it really have to go and konk out at Erin first birthday/ one year photo shoot/ family wedding / meijer gardens trip?!?!?!?!?! I have been forced to go back to the land of film for these momentous occassions and it is much more challenging than one would think. There is going to be a lot of wasted film and developing fees. Plus, do you know how hard it is to actually find someplace that still SELLS real live film?!?!?! OIY.